Sunday 18 September 2016

''Because She Loves Me'' by Mark Edwards

Because She Loves Me

My rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪  ✪  ✪ ✪   7/10
Book cover rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪52/5
One book in one gif: 
mrw google reader

Brief Opinion
And as I've promised last week, I'm back with my book reviews! Excuse me a moment, I feel emotional. 

But yeah, this book is a great thing to talk about for my comeback as a reviewer. There is so much to say I don't know where exactly to begin. Psychological thrillers are my favourite genre, and if it's a well-written stalker/obsession-love themed story, I'd be like 
homer simpson the simpsons season 18 episode 5 18x05

Like literally, God bless the authors who have slain this genre and who have gifted us hours of blissful insight into a psychopath's mind (very few authors, by the way). I find it really fascinating to read stories like this, with huge creep factors, crazy sanitarium people, love that turns to obsession, all that mastermind planning, shocking plot twists, and more. 
I mean, it's not like I am in for those things in real life, but at the end of the day, this is all fiction. So, no harm done, right?

In ''Because She Loves Me'', there is everything that makes a brilliant stalker novel. And it is with the deepest regret that I give this awesome book which I couldn't put down until I was done a 7 star score. The gult is so big that it feels like I'm apologizing as if I was the author myself. 
But no, honestly Mark Edwards' writing was superb and outstanding and it was a pleasure to have read that book! And yet, it is the ending, which I believe, was the ultimate downfall of this masterpiece of a story. I love it and I hate it. Without giving away to many details, all I can say is that the plot twist element was a good one and so unexpected, but I wish it didn't happen.

Monday 5 September 2016


It was on one fine morning, on September the 1st, that I fulfilled the first prophecy almost everyone has to go through before mastering the art of adulting.

hahaha Like seriously, when I was a kid, I used to think that driving is the definition of being a proper grown up. And when the examiner told me I did it, it suddenly hit me that I really am one; even knowing the fact that I would be turning 20 this year had not effect on me whatsoever. #priorities :p

September 2016 Update

Hello there! What's up? I know, I know. I promised that I will be back with another book review, and I swear I have some drafts I am working on. It's just that i don't feel very confident about publishing those here yet. I have been reading some other book review blogs which are really good to get some motivation, but it had the opposite effect on me and made me realise how much work I need to put on my reviews to improve to a decent level. Until then, I would like to focus on free-style blog post writing but I can promise that book reviews will be back soon. Just be patient with me.

I am not new to blogging but I did have old Tumblr blogs in the past that I have given up on, and honestly I am this close to dumping this one as well. And this is why I am definitely not good at blogging:

 I hopelessly suck at promoting my blog. It's not that I'm lazy.... okay well, that's ONE of the reasons, but mainly, the way I see promoting is to kind of ''bragging'' about the good things you are writing about. I don't feel I am yet to that level where I am proud of what I write about because so far I have written things based on sudden inspiration and never went back to edit and re-read it again after publishing. I would rather people find my blog and follow it because they have found something they like reading. I know this won't take me very far.
There is also the fact that it takes a lot of time for me to complete one post, so I am unable tow rite very often.

So, this is it. The reality of the girl behind this blog. However, since university is starting soon again, I thought it might be a good idea to keep this blog as symbol for one thing I still haven't given up on. I could use it to document my thoughts and adventures, or to write down my reflections, etc. You know, I just want to continue for the fun of it! And I hope you will too. ^_^
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