Wednesday 17 February 2016

How I do my book reviews

Hello! I'm back with my reviews, more determined than ever to do better. I apologize for being inactive. I have way too many drafts and counting to work on that I never know which one is ready for publishing.  ''Too many gifs?'' or ''Should I change that? Not everyone gets my sense of humor..'' 
''Let's cut out this spoiler'', ''But I HAVE to talk about it!''

I will try to not have excuses from now on. Anyways, welcome to my blog. I am going to do more than just book reviews and talk about other things, like music, movies, tv shows, and more coming soon!! Waaa I'm so excited!
tv happy cartoon excited adventure time

I admit that I still have a lot to learn about writing a proper book review. My previous one were pretty bad and I became discouraged for a while. I haven't done many of them, so please bear with me while I learn to improve them as I go on. And this is my brand new format and things you might expect from my reviews.
  • Title and author
movie harry potter book ron weasley snape
  • Book cover image
For visual and aesthetic purpose.
  • My book rating
Along with my best efforts in avoiding bias.
  • Cover book rating
''Never judge a book by its cover'' right out the window.

  • One book in one gif
For lazy or quick viewers scrolling through my blog. 
  • Brief opinion
a.k.a. - me gushing about the book on whether I loved it or hated it. Completely spoiler free section.
  • Synopsis
Required information, based on my own words and my best attempts to try and make you interested to read it.

  • Discussion and thoughts with spoilers 
This section is a ''read at your own risk'' part of my review. Don't worry, there will be a warning for the sensitive readers.
You can ignore it and skip to my next section. All that happens here is that I get to make comments about things I really want to pint out, like something exceptional about a character, or why I like the book,  a particular scene to look out for and that stood out, and also things that don't add up or odd details.
This is for people who have already read the book (whether before or recently) AND why not? If you are not convinced about the book and would like to know what actually happens, you're welcome to read it. Spoilers don't always do harm.

In fact, many times I have found a book to be equally or more intriguing when I look for its spoiler if I'm not totally convinced yet if I want to read the book. The way I see book spoilers sometimes is as a factor of whether the books is something worth reading or is it going to end like a cliche and so I wouldn't bother. Even if I find out how it ends, for me it always is about the quality of the story. I would still read the book to find out how the author gets there. 

  • Memorable quotes
My favourite part of the review. I definitely would not give away any spoilers here so you can read it with no worries. Good quotes are usually a good indication for a good book and make it to you future reading list if it manages to captivate you.

And that's about it. I am not a professional reader, and sometimes I read books without writing a review. As I have taken the initiative to be more active on my blog for now on, I plan on improving this. My reviews are in no way close to a serious and professional tone as it should be. I intend to make ALL my posts a fun and easy read, whether you are someone who reads a lot or not very often. Welcome and I hope you will stick with me in the long run.

Because we're not bookworms. We're bookerflies!  We soar to great heights and adventures and swim in the magnificence of words and imagination.

I would love to hear what you guys think and if you have checked out any of the books I have recommended. Let's discuss if our opinions differ.
And I would love to receive suggestions on what you think I might love to read and review next!

Meanwhile, stay awesome bookerflies!

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