Sunday 21 February 2016

How to pick yourself up from depression

It's been two years since I have won from depression and suicidal thoughts. I really think of myself as a strong warrior. But I think we can all agree that no matter how brave you are or how successful you become, depression is not something you can easily get rid of. There are days when it comes crawling back to you.
Even if things have been going great and smooth until then, I always get caught in some days where everything seems wrong. Like I'm not really getting anywhere with my life. It is an internal struggle that not many people around you might understand, which is why you feel you're completely alone.

So, this is what I do.

-Write down how I feel

These are the days my inspiration is at it highest peak. I am able to think creatively, think about life in general, and this inspires me to write my own fiction pieces: stories, poems, song lyrics, and lately blog posts. This is how I vent and let out the negativity inside of me, and I'm sure many famous artists and writers also this secret that has enabled them to make such wonderful masterpieces that the world has come to admire. Okay, I'm not saying that you should paint something like Vincent Van Gogh or sing like Adele. It doesn't have to be something earth-shattering. You have talents, use them. Use them for yourself and to make yourself happy first.

And you don't have to write fiction if you don't want to. It might help to just write down how you're feeling. Have a diary for personal thoughts and reflection. Years later, you will be able to look back and smile that you have make it through!

- Think realistically

This was a poster I saw two years ago on one of the bulleting boards at my high school. Needless to say that it was a major life-changing moment in my life, It completely broke down and re-constructed my way of thinking. Until then, I always expected the worst of everything, so when bad things happen I wouldn't get disappointed. I used to think that was a good way to not be let down in life. Little did I know back then how being a negative person all the time is already letting yourself down!

By now, I have learned to control depression and just keep in my head because normally I wouldn't bother anyone about this. And before you get worried about me, don't. Because I have also learned how to let it go and think positively again. When I want to get out my depression state, it is hard to think positively. So, I start thinking realistically. And this is, in fact, my life mantra. Be realistic. Know where you stand and know where you would like to go. And this is how you will also know what to do and start planning it. Once you have a plan, you have to get to work, and this might make you enthusiastic because making a plan is really one step one closer to your goals! You're not hiding in the darkness of your mind anymore. Congratulations. my friend! At this point you must go out and celebrate or treat yourself.

- Make a plan

I don't want to sound pessimistic at this point, but you might want to slow down at this bit. If you managed to get this far to this step, it is a small victory you do deserve to celebrate, but don't get too out of your realistic view, or you're in for a roller coaster of fun and ''positivity'' until you go back to square one. You now have your realistic goals. Make them happen. Plan it up and stick to it!

- Talk to someone

This step might seem like attention seeking at first, but if you can't keep you worries to yourself anymore it means you might need help and someone to listen. Ask a friend with whom you are really close to and comfortable. A friend you can always count on and who will never think of your request as an ''attention-seeking drama queen behavior''.  Remember it is okay to ask for help and encouragement, just know who are the right people to reach out to who can give you good advice. Talking to a family member might be a good start. They are probably the closest people in your life, (again, it might depend on your circumstances!) and perhaps they can help you with your struggles and get you out of it. My advice is: find someone who you look up to, someone you know that always has good intentions when it comes to you.

- Go out somewhere

I know that sometimes when we are depressed, going out is the last thing we want to do. But just push yourself out of your bed. Who knows, going out may give you a new and refreshing perspective to your life!
At the movies, go for a run, meet some old friends, anywhere, just go!

- Make your favourite food

For once, just forget all you know about diet and carbs and do what really makes you happy. Mind you, I said make, not just eat or buy your favorite food. Cooking has this therapeutic effect that really keeps your mind busy from anything, including your inner demons. And if you manage to prepare your dish on point, you will have a sense of accomplishment in the end, not to mention the delicious food!

- Have some tea and a book

Reading is my favorite way of escaping reality for a short while, especially when it becomes overwhelming and I need a break.
Now, that really depends on your circumstances whether this method can help you or not. You might not be an eager reader, or you might not have the time because the reason of your depression is due to stress about a certain deadline or something. So my suggestion is to find a time and space, even for a little while and have a cup of tea. Or practice yoga, meditate, listen to music, watch a movie (wouldn't recommend because it may tire your eyes. What you need is to find some peace, away from screens), etc. Do whatever makes you relax, find you energy and get back to work.

And last but absolutely not something to be underrated:

Don't give up.

Just don't give up on life. A good tomorrow will definitely come. I cannot stress this point enough. If you're having trouble in thinking realistically and positively, you should get some help! Talk to someone, google for your local suicide helpline, let your parents know you're not doing well. You really are stronger than you think and don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise.


Take a deep breathe. When things get messed up, know that things will be alright. Say that yourself until you start believing. Through dark times, you should trick your mind into thinking there is a hope. And once you do that, you can get started on step one!

As long as you keep breathing, everything is going to be alright.

In conclusion to this article (man, do I sound like an essay?), I would like to note that (yes, you do.) these pieces of advice I have mentioned are not ways to get rid of your problem. These methods may only help you get your attitude and your old self back. Our inner demons are always their, lurking in the shadows of our minds. All you have to do is find the perfect way to deal with them. I turn my demons into critiques. I shut the over-exaggerating ones that always keep say how much of a loser I am, and actually listen to those voices in my head (I'm not crazy, I promise! At least not in a psychopathic way...) that tells me what I'm doing wrong. Believe it or not, your conscience actually wants to help you, but before that you must help yourself get up!
I wish you the best of luck! Let me know if my advice has helped you little to cope with your situation.


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