Thursday 13 October 2016

October 2016 Update

Hello my darlings,
I am in an exceptionally good mood today.

But you know what? It's okay! Take a moment to relax and admire the world outside your window. It's the first day of October, and here in London, it seems like Autumn season is officially here! The cold weather, the annoying breeze I've missed so much during the summer, blue skies becoming a rarity, grey clouds promising rain here and there, leaves falling, Halloween crawling around the corners and Christmas promising to cheer up right after.

Halloween is coming up. And I was very thrilled last year to see that Londoners follow the Halloween traditions actively, from dressing up and going door to door for ''Trick or Treat'' to making your house decorations as scary as you dare.

I just find it annoying that malls and shop put out the Halloween decorations side by side with Christmas already. It's such a vibe killer! -.-''
Anyways, let's talk about the new stuff I found out this month:

As for me, I am trying my best to not fall back to my tv addiction habit. Especially k-dramas. I need to stay away from K-dramas for a long indefinite period of time because I can't handle the emotions anymore. Almost every show make me question my life choices and raise my expectations to a tragically  impossible standard. This is literally me on every single episode of a good K-drama:
Image result for overwhelming feels gif

So yeah..... you get my point.
Even for shows like Once Upon A Time and Scream Queens, I am putting them on hold until Christmas. My initial plan was to make Friday night my movie and shows marathon, but I get so exhausted when I come back home from uni and work I can barely have dinner without dozing off.

Nevetheless, anime found a way to come back to me. I watched these really awesome series called ''Orange''. My friend recommended this to me, and I decided to give it a go while my workload is still easy and manageable.

Image result for orange anime

You guys, if you're reading this, please go and watch it! The story is so beautiful and the characters are amazing. Here is a quick summary before you head to Crunchyroll:

On the morning of her first day of second high school year, Naho Takamoto receives a letter from her future self. The future Naho writes to her everything that is about to happen throughout the day and school year, and gives her a very important task: to save herself from her biggest regrets that she would still not be able to forgive herself after ten years. One of them includes saving the life of her new classmate and friend, Kakeru. Kakeru is a boy from Tokyo with a bright personality, but hides his depression and troubled state of mind, and who, according to future Naho, commits suicide. Can Naho and her inseparable friends save Kakeru from this fate? Or is the future something you cannot change? And if it is possible, would you risk losing what could have happened? 

Tan, tan TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. Yep, here is my boring summary, but please watch it. You won't regret it!
One thing I really love about certain animes is the wonderful (and unrealistic) friendship goals. :')  #foreveralone

Alright, to finish off, here is a treat for my K-pop buddies here. Well, not really surprising if you're hard-core BTS trash as I am, but  THE BOYS ARE BAAAAAAAACK!

Yaass!! After weeks of releasing short teasers and clips, their album is out with a new MV.
Allow them to bless your ears:

I know I keep saying this at every comeback, and I'll say it again: this is the best thing they have ever done! Like seriously, the dance choreography is LIT, the settings and wardrobe choice are to a whole new level (J-hope's dance era is here!). They look so good in their new hair colours. Like, somebody come and arrest Suga because I just died (he is the one with black hair)!
And my boy Jin (pink hair) is getting the spotlight he deserves. His acting skills are so on point!  ❤  
Jimin (ash hair) needs to chill with everything he is doing, breathing included. I don't know, he manages to turn everything he does into ridiculously good looking!!

And as for the rest of the album, please support them in iTunes, Spotify and Google play. There are individual solo tracks from each member, that really brings out the best of them as a group. I really recommend listening to ''Lie'' by Jimin and ''Awake'' by Jin. I'm so into this right now.  Let me know in the comments what you think of this album:

Image result for wings bts

So yep, This is my October so far. I have yet to plan what to for Halloween. I don't actually feel as hyped as last year about celebrating Halloween. Maybe because I do the same thing every year: scary movie and hot chocolate. Hehe! But since my neighbors are down with dressing up for trick & treats, I think I might join them! I'll keep you guys updated. ;) 


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