Sunday 2 October 2016

Things I'm exceptionally bad at

Hello! Today I would like to share a little bit about myself: exposing the worst sides of my personality and things I absolutely dread. (Not in any ranking order).
1) Choosing a present

christmas the office steve carell michael scott presents

Those who know me are probably annoyed and aware of this fact, and if you do know me in real life, I am so sorry!
Truth is I have zero shopping skills. I don't normally go shopping and anytime I save up enough money I go to the bookstore. Unless my mom drags me to a clothing store where I will then reluctantly look for something appropriate to my style, but that's another story.

Well, let's be real, choosing a present for someone is super stressful. You would think that the more you know the person, or if that person is very special to you, the more easier it is to find something.

But noooooo. In fact, the more you mean to me or the more I know you, the more likely I am to mess up on choosing the perfect gift for you.
And let's not get into online stuff, which becomes the ultimate resource for last minute opportunities or looking for a larger variety or mainly because you don't want to go out. Problem sorted right? Nope. Because now you have to wait for the package to actually arrive. Am I the only one who gets really anxious that it won't arrive on time? Especially if you have ordered during any holidays, you, my friend, are screwed.

2) Acting like an adult.

I'm 19 currently, and in no way feel even close to being one. You will still find me more close to children and juniors, watching cartoons, excited about Christmas, not embarrassed to choose a Happy Meal occasionally (depends on the toy that comes with it). I just, I don't know how to do adulting!

3) Social gatherings / Initiating conversations

Especially if it is at a family dinner where most of the guests are outside my age range. This usually means I have no idea what could possibly keep them interested or me just nodding and agreeing.
Back in Italy, my family and I weren't acquainted with our neighbors very well. But now we seem to know almost everyone in our London neighborhood, who come from the same country as us. This means there is an invitation almost every other week at people's houses, and often my parent return the favour by hosting and inviting everyone we know. And I am in charge of cleaning the house spotless and entertaining guests like:
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And I don't know, sometimes I hate it when I don't get a choice. My parents drag me to these parties and gathering even when I don't feel like it. But can you really blame them? Because I NEVER feel like going to any parties!

4) Small talks
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Please no.

5) Keeping my room tidy.
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I might be good at organizing and planning things, but exceptionally bad at keeping them organized for at least a short period of time.

6) Making phone calls.
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There are times I think it would be more appropriate if I changed my phone ringtone to something more drammatic: Tan-tan-taaaaaaan!
Because I panic everytime I have to talk to someone on the phone. It could be calling my best friend, it could be my aunt, my employer or some advertising person and I can still manage to make it awkward or stone cold. I think I would mess up even if I was calling myself.

8) I lack facial recognition skills.
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This is my worst problem of all. If I see someone outside or in a different place than where I would normally expect to see them (say, my teacher at the groceries, a celebrity on the train, or a classmate at the shops), I just seem to take too long to be sure whether it's really them or not. I would take too long to hesitate and approach them. And since I took too long, I might as well just ignore and pretend I didn't see them at all so as not to look rude. Idk, it's a natural reflex for me. I just wanted to avoid awkward encounters with doppelgangers of people I know. What if it's not them? And even if it is them, refer to problem number 4 above.

9) Yawning
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I kid you not. This is something that has been bothering me this year. I noticed that I yawn quote a lot, especially in the morning. Not just one time, but multiple times in a row. And it really isn't because of lack of sleep and rest. I am currently trying to figure out how to cure myself from this. It's embarrassing because people might think I'm bored of their conversations when actually I am really interested and listening keenly. Like seriously, I could be watching my favourite anime or meet G-Dragon himself, and I would still yawn.

There are definitely more personality traits that make me a dreadful human being, but for now, these are all I could think of.


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