Thursday 10 November 2016

Day #2: Where you would like to be in 10 years

from the 30 Day Blog Challenge

In 10 years, I'll be 30. Wow. I guess I've never really thought about that far. When I hear the age 30, I picture myself as granny-old, but it's not really that old, right?
But no, I don't really know how things would be like after 10 years. Not to make this post depressing, but I used to think I would die young.
Anyways, here are a few things I can view about my dream future. There is no ranking. I'll just write as I think about them:

  1. Have an awesome job
  2. Be insanely rich. bwahahahaha
  3. Earn enough money to support my parents.
  4. Buy a house for my parents
  5. Live in my own apartment with my very own huge library!
  6. Own a pet (still undecided on a puppy or a cat, since penguins are apparently not allowed as domestic pets.
  7. Graduated from med school
  8. Travelled to Japan and Korea
  9. Volunteering abroad
  10. Travel to aesthetically beautiful places for a nature photography project
  11. Published a book or two (!)
  12. Can play piano and violin

This post is really nothing serious, and I'm writing it in a rush. I've listen a bit of my goals and a bit of my bucket list. I had to look at what other people wrote about this same question. A lot of them had written about getting married and stuff. Who knows? Maybe I will, or not. It's not something you can plan. If I find someone special, good for me!

Mainly, what I wish for myself in 10 years, is to be someone happy and successful at doing something I love. Something that would make my parents beyond proud of me, 'cause nothing in the world can make me happier than that. I want to surround myself with people who believe in me and get rid of all the negativity in my life. I hope to be a much more mature adult by then, who can make her own decisions. I want to advance in my career, but also accomplish things around my hobbies, like music, photography, and writing. I also want to give back my gratitude to the world that has made me happy by volunteering. Perhaps in Africa or in any other third world country, where help is needed. 

10 years is a long time, so I can only predict this much so as not to hold my expectations too high. I look forward to see how life will treat me! 

And I wish you all the best with yours.


p.s.- Also, I hope this shoes will be a thing by then. 

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