Friday 18 November 2016

Day #3: Your Top 5 Pet Peeves

from the 30 Day Blog Challenge

1) People on public transports who sit across from me with their phone.
With the way most iphones are designed, it looks like the camera is pointing at you. You would never know whether they are taking pictures of you! It annoys me so much.

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2) People who for some reason or by accident scratch their nails on pages of a books, or blackboard surfaces.
Can I murder you already?

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3) When I lend a book to someone, and they have bent pages, or roughed out the edges and corners of the book.
What have you done to my children, how dare you? My books are like Horcruxes that have a piece of my soul, so if I lend you one, you're probably someone special.

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4) Texting Etiquette
I get really annoyed with people who don't text back or reply quickly. I know that there must be valid reasons, but ugh.
Also, I never care about spelling mistakes, and I usually let even the most basic of grammatical mistakes slide. But, I don't care how much in a hurry you were. If you send me a ''k'', I will kung fu you to k.o.

5) Someone stares at you when you're eating.

I have more pet peeves, but I don't really think about them so much. That's why I don't have a proper list. Sorry for the boring post.

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