Sunday 22 January 2017

January 2017 update

Hello again dear readers! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Wow, so much time has passed. Honestly, I can't even be bothered to feel guilty about not coming back here. I had so much to do!! My exams are still ongoing so I have to keep this short and get back to my revision real quick.

I had started this blog because I love writing about anything. But lately I had so many outlets for writing that keeping this blog has become hard during my busy schedule. I currently have two creative writing notebooks for my stories and lyrics, a bullet journal (will talk about it soon!! :D ), and writing letters to my wonderful best friend back in Italy. Basically, by ''letters'' I mean posts. Basicaly we have this secret and private facebook group just for the two of us, which we had started back in grade 10. We keep in touch that way, because we know each other so well, and chatting is just too mainstream for us. xD We write really long letters to each other about how we are doing, what's going on with out lives, and also deep talks about life in general. We are like each other's psychologists, giving advice, sharing experiences and laughing about our past shenanigans. And it's wonderful to know I have someone like her in my life who accepts every bit of my crazy and paranoid mind without judging, and I for her. <3 <3

So yeah, I am definitely writing a lot these days during my spare time. I am also very glad that I was able to do a lot during the holidays. The week before the start of Christmas holidays, I had prepared a list of goals and ways to accomplish them in a military precision. So by the end I was able to check off only 50% of the goals from my list! That's because I had no idea my family was serious about moving houses. It was a decision that was so hasty, and I feel like they hadn't thought this through at all. But anyways, I'm still proud of me, because my past holidays consisted of me being determined at the start and then slowly slacking off and crawling back to my shell of laziness. I'm glad this year I was able to make a difference and make the most of the time I had. It made me feel good and well prepared for the new year. But still, I felt like the holidays have gone by way too soon... is it just me? There were so many more things I had wanted to do! Especially knitting...

Anyone else have made new year's resolutions? I have never made resolutions before because I can hardly stick to my to-do lists. But ever since I had started my bullet journal, I am able to keep track of how I spend my days, also giving myself one day a week only where I'm allowed to be in Umaru-mode on.
Image result for umaru gif

(I will make a post about my bullet journal soon, because it is a real breakthrough in my life!)
So far, I've made a list of goals involving my student and career life. But I would also like to take up a few new hobbies and some projects I have in mind. I cringe to the idea of new year resolutions and the ''New year new me'' bs that I've seen so many people failing at.  It feel ridiculous to share my resolution, knowing that I'll probably give up on them by the end of the month, but the plan is to keep up the perseverance I had built up during the holidays, so here goes nothing:

  1. Keep up with my study timetable and get a first class degree
  2. Stick to my career plan.
  3. Do more volunteering and outdoor activities
  4. Learn knitting
  5. Make a commitment to call my Grandma and Uncle every week, and keep in touch with my cousins
  6. Learn a musical instrument (violin or piano) 
  7. Cook a few real dishes
  8. Make a studyblr, or something similar on this blog
  9. Read a lot of books, not just fiction
  10. Take care of my health and my mind. 

Dear God, please don't let me screw up this year!

On the last week of December, I went to Winter Wonderland with a friend from my uni. It's a really big and cool theme park, and there were so many rides and stalls from the winter fair. We went there very early, but spent almost the whole day there exploring everything. When we were choosing a ride, I told him that I had never been on a roller coaster before, except the kiddy versions with my sister -.-'' . He, being a really nice and dope human being, suggested that we take a look at the roller coasters before choosing one. I think it was because it was quite dark, but we ended up choosing one of the most terrifying ones in the whole Winter Wonderland (in my opinion). It was a ride that takes you really high up in the sky, spins you around and upside down, and oh God I think I almost died.
So we were like: ''Oh this is actually nice. What a nice view'' ''Oh-oh, it's going upside down''. ''nononononoonnooooooooo''
Now I know why theme parks have such loud music: to cover the cries of despairs of people who almost lose their souls in the roller coasters. But it was really so much fun! Next time, I will go on all of them!! hehehe. They scare me no more. :p

I've been in London for almost a year, but I have barely visited all the attractions and famous sites. I barely go out LOL. This is probably due to my upbringing. Ever since I was in middle school, my parents were over protective of me and won't let me go out with my friends when were in Italy. It was only after Grade 10 that they started to let me off a little bit, but by then I was already used to staying home and actually enjoying it. They probably regret this now. I still enjoyed going out a few times though, but here in London, it's not just about laziness. My social energy runs out way too fast here, and I just can't deal with people sometimes. I feel comfortable with only certain people. I'm trying to make an effort to actually go out and meet people, do the unthinkable and have adventures. I will try to get out of my comfort zone, and sometimes it's really not that bad to be around people with my awkward personality. And those are the best kinds of people! ^_^

Good luck with your year as well!

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