Tuesday 24 January 2017

Day #4: Your view on Religion

This is a very sensitive topic to discuss and I'm not really the right person to write about it. But I'm just going to explain my views and experiences.
I attended a Christian school for about 6 years at a young age. There was a teacher there who had inspired to me to so many levels. He was a great role model and also believed in each of his students' potentials. He also said that religion is a ''relationship with God''. And I agree, this is what religion should be.

I know that many people nowadays prefer to not be associated with anything religious. I wouldn't call myself religious either, but I do believe in God. I don't have regular prayer times. but I always set aside my time to actually pray and talk to God about my worries and also thank Him for everything I've been blessed with. It works like meditation for me. After praying I feel more relaxed, and I get the feeling that Someone is watching over me and everything will be alright. Religion is mostly about blind, and honestly I really don't have much to say.
There are many religions out there in the world with different ideals. And also there are people from the same religion with different takes on what they believe in. I strongly believe that nobody should be discriminated for what religion they follow.

I once saw a post on Tumblr. It was a very thought-proving comic that suggested that perhaps life on Earth would have been peaceful if there were no religion. That would mean no wars nor terrorism


A world like that is a dream come true. But I believe that we, as humans, would be lost without the guidance of a superior being. From experience, I know for a fact how lost I would be without God in life. No matter how many times I screwed up, He is the one who sends me a second chance. When I needed help, it's God who sends it. We would be nowhere without God, whether you accept it or not. I believe that we could still achieve a peaceful world like the one in the cartoon by simply being peaceful to one another. Call me naive, but it's that simple! Every kind of religion is out there, in books, media, priests sharing their spiritual message. Let each religion advertise itself. There is no need to stamp on them or alienate someone whose beliefs are different from yours. Ony children would ever feel the need to defend that their taste is better than the other children, but even they would eventually grow out of that attitude.

But you know, it's 2017. Let's start by getting discrimination out of the way, because I am sure that there is no holy rule in the world that ever said that it's okay to kill a man because they won't accept your religion. No, that's just sick!.
War and terrorism is immature and really not helping whatever cause they think they are fighting for. Although as a child I used to wonder what kind of world would it be like if we could see God and we all had the same religion? I just could not understand why there were so many religions and people believing in different gods. And I felt angry and sad when I found out that people who worshipped the ''wrong god'' would go to hell. So in what way are we supposed to actually know which is the right one? You would say your religion is right, then he would say that it's hers, and then she would disagree, and so on.

Let's love God and each other first.

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