Monday 6 June 2016

Preparing for University (Summer Edition)

(This is something I have been meaning to post last year, but didn't have the time to edit and then eventually gave up completely. I decided to post this now since I have a little more experience and more advice for the new undergraduates entering their first year. So this post is a collaboration between me and my old self! How cute. ^_^ )
Feel free to use these tips whether you are a high school student or graduate.


Now before you roll your eyes, I know. Summer is meant to have fun and bla bla bla. Nobody wants to be the person stuck in a tower of school text books while all their friends are off to Switzerland or whatever-land for the time of their lives (Although that's what happened in my childhood summers. No, I am not crying!). It is, therefore, important to strike a balance between the two.

What I always do is to give myself at least 2 -3 weeks break to let my brain steam off and calm down from the end of the year exams stress. To some, it might look you are slacking off and procrastinating. What actually happened to me is that after 2 weeks I became bored, restless and felt the need to come back to my previous, organized and serious life routine. I call this the **drum rolls** ''Prodigal Son Effect'',  (Say whaat, Mashy? You invented a new philosophy?)
For the first minimum of two weeks, I focus on all the things I have neglected and wanted to do as soon as my exams were over, like drawing, writing, go roller skating, meet up with friends, watch this movie, check out that music video, you name it! Focus on having fun and de-stressing, obviously with precautions when needed. Fun and safety are THE ultimate combo.
And don't feel guilty if you haven't been doing anything productive. You WILL eventually feel the need for a plan and routine and get yourself back together.
Well, at least that's what happens to me. If you don't get the urge to get your responsibilities back, then I'm sure your responsibilities will find a way to get back to you and remind you not to slack off.(aka - parents, trust me you don't want another lecture and get on their bad side.)

Summer vacation is the perfect time to charge up your batteries and think about your goals for the next year. Now, if we are talking about next year being your first year at university as an undergraduate student, this step is a matter of life and death. You don't want to start your semester with a ''blank brain'' since all you haven't been revising well the last two months.
At the very least, get these steps done once in a while:

  • Get your hand around the syllabus. Study it, skim it, make it your phone profile picture, whatever keeps you focused. If the syllabus for the year isn't yet available, check online. There might be any past students with a blog on the course, or simply check your uni's website to see if there is anything you can find. Any hints on what the first semester is going to be about. Remember: the syllabus is not a secret code handed out only to top students. If you can dig up some stuff on the first part of the syllabus, you are well ahead to start your year with a bang. 
  • Revise your exam notes. If the very sight of your textbooks gives you migraines (post-exam stress symptoms), then just go to your notes; especially on the subjects that relates to the field you are going to study (economics, science, history etc.). Make sure the information is still fresh on your head and didn't fly away with your graduation cap. 


This has always been my favorite step since elementary school. Just going to the stationery shops with my parents and buying all the notebooks, diaries, pencils of my favourite cartoon character seemed like an opportunity of a lifetime.

love anime cute cartoon excited

For reference, I made a list of my own essentials for next year here.


Getting a job, do some volunteering or visit a new place is a great way to enhance your summer and possibly the most stress-free one you will ever get before you commit yourself to your uni workload. On the plus side, you can earn some cash to help you in your student life in September and some volunteering/job experience would never look bad on your cv. So get going with your bucketlists!


I cannot stress what a magical time this summer is going to be, and you will regret it in the future if you haven't been able to use those time to your advantage.

  • Make a realistic bucket list. (e.g- loose weight, learn sewing, visit South Korea.) 
  • Learn some life skills (Basic maths, driving lessons.)
  • Go out with your friends. Chances are you won't be able to see them for a while if you are all headed to different colleges. Gather around to do something fun, make memories and take pictures. You will be so glad you did this when you miss them or meet up after 20 years. 
  • Spend time with your family. They are the ones that are the most proud of your accomplishments! And if you are leaving them when your year starts, you need to cherish every moment you have left. Going to Univeristy is the first hint you'll get that you're becoming an adult, so start acting like one and take care of your family. 
80s alex s2 steven michael j fox
  • Make a list of goals you want to achieve for next year. Create a collage of motivational quote. Create a space on your wall with pictures of your happiest memories with the ones you love. Stick all these to your wall, where you can always get a clear view from your workspace. It will help you every time you feel like procrastinating or giving up. 

For now, these are all I've got. Sorry for such a short post, I thought I had something long to write about. Let me know if you have more tips on how to spend your summer wisely!

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