Monday 27 June 2016



You know those days when you feel the need to start your morning right and make your day productive one? Well, this is how far my resolution went, because Cube Entertainment decided to drop this MV like, meh it's no big deal. With. No. Mercy!!!
Or maybe I had missed some memo because I can't read Korean...
I have been expecting their comeback in July for B2ST and I was beyond excited. I kept watching the teaser for ''B2ST: Prologue'' on endless replay. And so, I was really surprised to find out they had released the music video for ''Butterfly'' first!
I know I have been talking a lot about Kpop this month, but I promise to shut up and get back to my books soon.
So here it is. Yep, I made a post just to showcase this gem of a song, and I care not if you are a KPop fan, B2uty, or not.
Thank me later! ^_^

Weeeell? Did you like it or did you love it??
I need to write down some thoughts, don't know if it will turn out like one of those music videos reviews I usually see in some K-pop blogs I follow. I feel like I'm not cut out for those kinds of things yet, but we'll see how it goes. 

- You can probably imagine a silly old me, sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the video to start and load on Youtube and fangirling this hard for the first time since I was 16 years old... #notashamed. 
- And there it is. I think I died right at the start of the video. Why, you ask? Yong freaking Junhyung started the song. You might have learned from my previous post about K.pop challenge that Junhyung is my favourite bias ever. He is usually well known for his rapping and composing songs that are so flawless and poetic and that have catchy and fun music beats but depressing, heartbreaking lyrics that gets me everytime. I think this song is also his work. As he has more recognition as the rapper of the group, his vocal parts are quite rare and extremely good. I might dare say that he sings even better than Yoseop, but honestly, no one can reach those damn fine high notes like Yoseob!

With the group that has become only 5 members after Jang Hyunseung left B2ST earlier this year to pursue a solo career, I hope Junhyung gets more singing parts for other songs as well! 

- (**suddenly remembering the pain** Hyungseeeeeeeeeuuuung, why did you leave? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????)

disney sad crying pixar sadness

- Please play this song at my funeral.

- Reading all the Youtube comments has made me all fuzzy and warm inside. There comments like ''EXO-L here to support B2ST'' ''Army here. I love this song.'' ''(Fandom name) B2ST HWAITING!''
Can I just say, what lovely human beings you all are! Give yourself a proud pat on the shoulder and a suffocating hug on my behalf. 

love hug

- I always said, and also in my previous post, that Lee Kikwang has such an angelic face and voice. The aesthetic background and scenery of the video really bring out that part about him. He looks perfect in this video.

- Yes, Yoseop, just lie down in the field of blue roses and sing like nobody is dying from your honey-like vocals. Just chill. 

- notfreakingoutbecauseIhaveanidenticalbouquetofflowersliketheoneJunhyungisholding.

- Seeing Dojoon with his on point expressions makes me want to watch his K-dramas again. 

- Dongwoon's looks have improve a lot. Even with his personality, he is the most mature maknae I have ever seen.

- At some points, the butterfly looked too obviously fake, but let's ignore that. Other than that, the video is just as beautiful and tear-jerking as I had imagined. 

- I am excited for their next MV out on July and for the release of their album ''Highlight''. I already know they will be my jams for the rest of the summer. :D

- Lyrics translation of my favourite part: ''You can fly away beautifully, My butterfly my butterfly my butterfly''

Ugh you guys need to see the full translation. The song is really sad. 

- On a sad note, I am really scared for B2ST's future. They haven't really had much success since ''Good Luck'', and I don't know much of their popularity in Japan. They are my most favourite K.pop group ever as well as the first I've come to know about. 
I have been noticing some complaints about Cube Entertainment and their growing reputation among fans on the internet claiming that they don't manage and promote their artists very well like they used to. Hence, the girl band 4Minute disbanding a couple of weeks ago because of low sales in their last album. 
Even Hyunseung decided to leave B2ST for unclear reasons, and Yoseop expressed his frustration on Twitter about Cube promoting Hyuna and her activties only.
I know B2ST are not currently as popular like BTS and Big Bang because of their long hiatus in Korea and activities in Japan, but I hope there are still some B2UTIES out there. I hope this album will be daebak. I honestly find their songs and concepts really good and unique. These guys have work hard and with time I hope they will get the recognition they deserve. I can't imagine how distressed I'll be if they were to disband. Whether Cube Ent. is to be blamed or not, I would be very frustrated if it ever comes to this. 

- Now back to positivity! Excuse me while I go and annoy the whole family and neighbours by blasting this song on full volume and get back to work. 
Just kidding. I'm a nice neighbour. ^_^

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