Tuesday 25 October 2016


Hello my darlings! How are you all doing? 
So starting from this month I want to take my blogging activities seriously, and I want to start doing that by writing more. The problem is always not knowing what would be worth writing about, or not finding the time to write it. So in order to keep my writing flowing and continuous, I will be trying this ''30 Day Blog Challenge'' from Zehira-blog . The list of ideas all look quite fun and random.But I am going to make this into a ''30 Week'' instead. I will be working on this project along my usual posts and book reviews. 

By doing this, I can try and promise that you will find at least ONE new blog post every week. I hope that by the end of this challenge, you guys can all get to know me better and continue to follow me throughout my blogging journey. As I've already mention in older posts, I am hopelessly bad at promoting myself on social media, so much that I don't even want to try! But for now, I'm good like this. I appreciate the people who have contacted me on Tumblr with positive feedbacks. You guys are the best! We are a small army of Bookerflies for now. I want to write and keep it personal for now, while I experiment with what works for me and what doesn't. Hopefully one day my writing will get better and confident enough so I can consider going out there and share what I've written in my blog with everyone else. Oh and meanwhile, if you're reading this and have a blog of your own, don't be invisible! Be my blogging buddy! Leave me a message on Tumblr or comment down below your link and on what you think of my blog so far (be honest! I promise I won't cry. Maybe... :p)

Hope you will look forward to it. 

Monday 24 October 2016

Juggling Life As I Go Along: Uni + Family + Job + Me

In about two more months, I am going to turn 20! Somehow, when it occurred to me that my life has been going on for 2 decades, I felt blessed and I felt like panicking. Like, I kept thinking that maybe I'm supposed to hurry the hell up and get things done, enjoy the youth I'll never get back, make a fixed future plan which outlines my next decade with minimum detail, etc.
But of course, I'm panicking for nothing. As usual. Time, no matter how hard you try to predict and prepare, cannot always be planned. 

Like last week, we were supposed to have a Chemistry mini test about atoms, which was the most basic stuff you will learn in the course. Supposed to be easy as pie, right? Acing the test guaranteed? Oh, nope. Turns out I actually forgot to round off the number of neutrons... After all the time spent revising, I screwed up on the one thing that was supposed to be the easiest. My academic pattern has always been like this: I get the easiest things wrong and the hardest things right, which is why I never underestimate revising for easy topics. I would spend time revising the alphabet as well if I was to be tested on it, because you never know what might be the next thing I stumble over. Nevertheless, I felt really bad after the test. Even though it was a mini test, I couldn't let it go and I was upset about it for 2 days straight.

So yeah, things don't always go according to plan. And I shouldn't be worrying that I'll be turning 20 with many regrets, which no one can ever avoid. There will always be one regret you cannot let go.
I have always been the one to be scared about the future. Especially in high school, I was terrified of the future. I used to think that at that time I was doing a good job with handling the present, when in reality I was just lying to myself and sugarcoating the fact that I was running away and refusing to think about the future. In short, I was a mess on the inside.

When asked to picture what I imagine my future to be like, I could see a blank page. Or me, waking up everyday on really cold and freezing mornings, alone and sad. I was going through depression at that time, and I didn't really have a proper guidance or understanding on what to do to shape my future. As for career-related stuff, I couldn't really see ''open doors'' like most of my classmates did.
The resources I had at school weren't particularly helpful to me. When I moved to London, I found that there was an ocean of opportunities and second chances to rebuild yourself; which I never even knew was possible. I thought that it was all too late to start again and give my full potential at another shot toward my dreams. But here I am! It happened. I am working toward where I want to go, and suddenly my future wasn't a blank page anymore. Replacing the blank page are now a pile of drafts, different plans and futures I am working on and I get to choose which one to finalize.

Thursday 13 October 2016

October 2016 Update

Hello my darlings,
I am in an exceptionally good mood today.

But you know what? It's okay! Take a moment to relax and admire the world outside your window. It's the first day of October, and here in London, it seems like Autumn season is officially here! The cold weather, the annoying breeze I've missed so much during the summer, blue skies becoming a rarity, grey clouds promising rain here and there, leaves falling, Halloween crawling around the corners and Christmas promising to cheer up right after.

Halloween is coming up. And I was very thrilled last year to see that Londoners follow the Halloween traditions actively, from dressing up and going door to door for ''Trick or Treat'' to making your house decorations as scary as you dare.

I just find it annoying that malls and shop put out the Halloween decorations side by side with Christmas already. It's such a vibe killer! -.-''
Anyways, let's talk about the new stuff I found out this month:

Sunday 2 October 2016

Things I'm exceptionally bad at

Hello! Today I would like to share a little bit about myself: exposing the worst sides of my personality and things I absolutely dread. (Not in any ranking order).
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