Friday 18 November 2016

Day #3: Your Top 5 Pet Peeves

from the 30 Day Blog Challenge

1) People on public transports who sit across from me with their phone.
With the way most iphones are designed, it looks like the camera is pointing at you. You would never know whether they are taking pictures of you! It annoys me so much.

Image result for annoyed gif

2) People who for some reason or by accident scratch their nails on pages of a books, or blackboard surfaces.
Can I murder you already?

Image result for pet peeves gif

3) When I lend a book to someone, and they have bent pages, or roughed out the edges and corners of the book.
What have you done to my children, how dare you? My books are like Horcruxes that have a piece of my soul, so if I lend you one, you're probably someone special.

Image result for pet peeves gif

4) Texting Etiquette
I get really annoyed with people who don't text back or reply quickly. I know that there must be valid reasons, but ugh.
Also, I never care about spelling mistakes, and I usually let even the most basic of grammatical mistakes slide. But, I don't care how much in a hurry you were. If you send me a ''k'', I will kung fu you to k.o.

5) Someone stares at you when you're eating.

I have more pet peeves, but I don't really think about them so much. That's why I don't have a proper list. Sorry for the boring post.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Day #2: Where you would like to be in 10 years

from the 30 Day Blog Challenge

In 10 years, I'll be 30. Wow. I guess I've never really thought about that far. When I hear the age 30, I picture myself as granny-old, but it's not really that old, right?
But no, I don't really know how things would be like after 10 years. Not to make this post depressing, but I used to think I would die young.
Anyways, here are a few things I can view about my dream future. There is no ranking. I'll just write as I think about them:

  1. Have an awesome job
  2. Be insanely rich. bwahahahaha
  3. Earn enough money to support my parents.
  4. Buy a house for my parents
  5. Live in my own apartment with my very own huge library!
  6. Own a pet (still undecided on a puppy or a cat, since penguins are apparently not allowed as domestic pets.
  7. Graduated from med school
  8. Travelled to Japan and Korea
  9. Volunteering abroad
  10. Travel to aesthetically beautiful places for a nature photography project
  11. Published a book or two (!)
  12. Can play piano and violin

This post is really nothing serious, and I'm writing it in a rush. I've listen a bit of my goals and a bit of my bucket list. I had to look at what other people wrote about this same question. A lot of them had written about getting married and stuff. Who knows? Maybe I will, or not. It's not something you can plan. If I find someone special, good for me!

Mainly, what I wish for myself in 10 years, is to be someone happy and successful at doing something I love. Something that would make my parents beyond proud of me, 'cause nothing in the world can make me happier than that. I want to surround myself with people who believe in me and get rid of all the negativity in my life. I hope to be a much more mature adult by then, who can make her own decisions. I want to advance in my career, but also accomplish things around my hobbies, like music, photography, and writing. I also want to give back my gratitude to the world that has made me happy by volunteering. Perhaps in Africa or in any other third world country, where help is needed. 

10 years is a long time, so I can only predict this much so as not to hold my expectations too high. I look forward to see how life will treat me! 

And I wish you all the best with yours.


p.s.- Also, I hope this shoes will be a thing by then. 

Wednesday 9 November 2016

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day #1

(Before I start, I just want to say that I will writing up these challenged like some sort of ''diary entries''. So like, discussing the topic as well incorporating a little bit of what's going on in my life at the moment. Ugh, I'm not sure how this will turn up, but I hope you'll enjoy reading them! ^_^ )

Day #1: Discuss your current relationship/being single

I had started writing this post during Halloween weekend.
And I don't know... I just wanted stay in bed all day and watch a really sad movie that will destroy me to tears.
Image result for watching sad movies gif

Which is so unlike me. I'm usually quite hyped about Halloween and celebrate it with Tim Burton marathons...
I'm not sure I can recognise my emotions right now: I feel tired but I am okay with it. I don't feel like quitting or giving up any of the activities keeping me so busy. In fact, the feeling of accomplishment is really overpowering the depression that sometimes sneaks its way into my mind. Or maybe I'm just getting old...
So yep. Back to this challenge, and let me use this opportunity to talk about a few facts people say, real quick:

Tuesday 25 October 2016


Hello my darlings! How are you all doing? 
So starting from this month I want to take my blogging activities seriously, and I want to start doing that by writing more. The problem is always not knowing what would be worth writing about, or not finding the time to write it. So in order to keep my writing flowing and continuous, I will be trying this ''30 Day Blog Challenge'' from Zehira-blog . The list of ideas all look quite fun and random.But I am going to make this into a ''30 Week'' instead. I will be working on this project along my usual posts and book reviews. 

By doing this, I can try and promise that you will find at least ONE new blog post every week. I hope that by the end of this challenge, you guys can all get to know me better and continue to follow me throughout my blogging journey. As I've already mention in older posts, I am hopelessly bad at promoting myself on social media, so much that I don't even want to try! But for now, I'm good like this. I appreciate the people who have contacted me on Tumblr with positive feedbacks. You guys are the best! We are a small army of Bookerflies for now. I want to write and keep it personal for now, while I experiment with what works for me and what doesn't. Hopefully one day my writing will get better and confident enough so I can consider going out there and share what I've written in my blog with everyone else. Oh and meanwhile, if you're reading this and have a blog of your own, don't be invisible! Be my blogging buddy! Leave me a message on Tumblr or comment down below your link and on what you think of my blog so far (be honest! I promise I won't cry. Maybe... :p)

Hope you will look forward to it. 

Monday 24 October 2016

Juggling Life As I Go Along: Uni + Family + Job + Me

In about two more months, I am going to turn 20! Somehow, when it occurred to me that my life has been going on for 2 decades, I felt blessed and I felt like panicking. Like, I kept thinking that maybe I'm supposed to hurry the hell up and get things done, enjoy the youth I'll never get back, make a fixed future plan which outlines my next decade with minimum detail, etc.
But of course, I'm panicking for nothing. As usual. Time, no matter how hard you try to predict and prepare, cannot always be planned. 

Like last week, we were supposed to have a Chemistry mini test about atoms, which was the most basic stuff you will learn in the course. Supposed to be easy as pie, right? Acing the test guaranteed? Oh, nope. Turns out I actually forgot to round off the number of neutrons... After all the time spent revising, I screwed up on the one thing that was supposed to be the easiest. My academic pattern has always been like this: I get the easiest things wrong and the hardest things right, which is why I never underestimate revising for easy topics. I would spend time revising the alphabet as well if I was to be tested on it, because you never know what might be the next thing I stumble over. Nevertheless, I felt really bad after the test. Even though it was a mini test, I couldn't let it go and I was upset about it for 2 days straight.

So yeah, things don't always go according to plan. And I shouldn't be worrying that I'll be turning 20 with many regrets, which no one can ever avoid. There will always be one regret you cannot let go.
I have always been the one to be scared about the future. Especially in high school, I was terrified of the future. I used to think that at that time I was doing a good job with handling the present, when in reality I was just lying to myself and sugarcoating the fact that I was running away and refusing to think about the future. In short, I was a mess on the inside.

When asked to picture what I imagine my future to be like, I could see a blank page. Or me, waking up everyday on really cold and freezing mornings, alone and sad. I was going through depression at that time, and I didn't really have a proper guidance or understanding on what to do to shape my future. As for career-related stuff, I couldn't really see ''open doors'' like most of my classmates did.
The resources I had at school weren't particularly helpful to me. When I moved to London, I found that there was an ocean of opportunities and second chances to rebuild yourself; which I never even knew was possible. I thought that it was all too late to start again and give my full potential at another shot toward my dreams. But here I am! It happened. I am working toward where I want to go, and suddenly my future wasn't a blank page anymore. Replacing the blank page are now a pile of drafts, different plans and futures I am working on and I get to choose which one to finalize.

Thursday 13 October 2016

October 2016 Update

Hello my darlings,
I am in an exceptionally good mood today.

But you know what? It's okay! Take a moment to relax and admire the world outside your window. It's the first day of October, and here in London, it seems like Autumn season is officially here! The cold weather, the annoying breeze I've missed so much during the summer, blue skies becoming a rarity, grey clouds promising rain here and there, leaves falling, Halloween crawling around the corners and Christmas promising to cheer up right after.

Halloween is coming up. And I was very thrilled last year to see that Londoners follow the Halloween traditions actively, from dressing up and going door to door for ''Trick or Treat'' to making your house decorations as scary as you dare.

I just find it annoying that malls and shop put out the Halloween decorations side by side with Christmas already. It's such a vibe killer! -.-''
Anyways, let's talk about the new stuff I found out this month:

Sunday 2 October 2016

Things I'm exceptionally bad at

Hello! Today I would like to share a little bit about myself: exposing the worst sides of my personality and things I absolutely dread. (Not in any ranking order).

Sunday 18 September 2016

''Because She Loves Me'' by Mark Edwards

Because She Loves Me

My rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪  ✪  ✪ ✪   7/10
Book cover rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪52/5
One book in one gif: 
mrw google reader

Brief Opinion
And as I've promised last week, I'm back with my book reviews! Excuse me a moment, I feel emotional. 

But yeah, this book is a great thing to talk about for my comeback as a reviewer. There is so much to say I don't know where exactly to begin. Psychological thrillers are my favourite genre, and if it's a well-written stalker/obsession-love themed story, I'd be like 
homer simpson the simpsons season 18 episode 5 18x05

Like literally, God bless the authors who have slain this genre and who have gifted us hours of blissful insight into a psychopath's mind (very few authors, by the way). I find it really fascinating to read stories like this, with huge creep factors, crazy sanitarium people, love that turns to obsession, all that mastermind planning, shocking plot twists, and more. 
I mean, it's not like I am in for those things in real life, but at the end of the day, this is all fiction. So, no harm done, right?

In ''Because She Loves Me'', there is everything that makes a brilliant stalker novel. And it is with the deepest regret that I give this awesome book which I couldn't put down until I was done a 7 star score. The gult is so big that it feels like I'm apologizing as if I was the author myself. 
But no, honestly Mark Edwards' writing was superb and outstanding and it was a pleasure to have read that book! And yet, it is the ending, which I believe, was the ultimate downfall of this masterpiece of a story. I love it and I hate it. Without giving away to many details, all I can say is that the plot twist element was a good one and so unexpected, but I wish it didn't happen.

Monday 5 September 2016


It was on one fine morning, on September the 1st, that I fulfilled the first prophecy almost everyone has to go through before mastering the art of adulting.

hahaha Like seriously, when I was a kid, I used to think that driving is the definition of being a proper grown up. And when the examiner told me I did it, it suddenly hit me that I really am one; even knowing the fact that I would be turning 20 this year had not effect on me whatsoever. #priorities :p

September 2016 Update

Hello there! What's up? I know, I know. I promised that I will be back with another book review, and I swear I have some drafts I am working on. It's just that i don't feel very confident about publishing those here yet. I have been reading some other book review blogs which are really good to get some motivation, but it had the opposite effect on me and made me realise how much work I need to put on my reviews to improve to a decent level. Until then, I would like to focus on free-style blog post writing but I can promise that book reviews will be back soon. Just be patient with me.

I am not new to blogging but I did have old Tumblr blogs in the past that I have given up on, and honestly I am this close to dumping this one as well. And this is why I am definitely not good at blogging:

 I hopelessly suck at promoting my blog. It's not that I'm lazy.... okay well, that's ONE of the reasons, but mainly, the way I see promoting is to kind of ''bragging'' about the good things you are writing about. I don't feel I am yet to that level where I am proud of what I write about because so far I have written things based on sudden inspiration and never went back to edit and re-read it again after publishing. I would rather people find my blog and follow it because they have found something they like reading. I know this won't take me very far.
There is also the fact that it takes a lot of time for me to complete one post, so I am unable tow rite very often.

So, this is it. The reality of the girl behind this blog. However, since university is starting soon again, I thought it might be a good idea to keep this blog as symbol for one thing I still haven't given up on. I could use it to document my thoughts and adventures, or to write down my reflections, etc. You know, I just want to continue for the fun of it! And I hope you will too. ^_^

Monday 27 June 2016



You know those days when you feel the need to start your morning right and make your day productive one? Well, this is how far my resolution went, because Cube Entertainment decided to drop this MV like, meh it's no big deal. With. No. Mercy!!!
Or maybe I had missed some memo because I can't read Korean...
I have been expecting their comeback in July for B2ST and I was beyond excited. I kept watching the teaser for ''B2ST: Prologue'' on endless replay. And so, I was really surprised to find out they had released the music video for ''Butterfly'' first!
I know I have been talking a lot about Kpop this month, but I promise to shut up and get back to my books soon.
So here it is. Yep, I made a post just to showcase this gem of a song, and I care not if you are a KPop fan, B2uty, or not.
Thank me later! ^_^

Thursday 9 June 2016

K-Pop Challenge

Hello. What's up?
So a few weeks ago I found this probably old K-Pop challenge. I know this is really lame, but when I came across this one on Pinterest I really really wanted to do one too! It looks like a lot of fun. Beware, this will be an awfully long post if you're not a K-pop fan so please ignore if you're not interested, but you will miss my sense of humour (wat?) and the cuteness and perfection overload of my favourite idols!
aww aw awww awwww heart eyeslove anime heart hearts in lovereaction disney faint fainting lilo & stitch

Important notice: The pictures I have included don't belong to me and I have tried to not leave the credit out, but if I have please kindly let me know and I will take action to add the credits to you.

If you like this challenge, please post yours too in the comments or on your blog and tag me if you want. I would love to see yours too. This picture above is not created by me, but I couldn't find the original owner. Nevertheless, I had lots of fun answering the questions. I hope you enjoy reading this and let me know if we have things in common. ^_^

Tuesday 7 June 2016

''Me Before You'' by Jojo Moyes

Me Before You (Me Before You, #1)

My rating:✪ ✪ ✪ ✪  ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪   5/10
Book cover rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪  2/5

One book in one gif:
thumbs up kate hudson headset

I've had this book on my ''Someday'' list for a long time, and Ed Sheeran finally convinced me to get up and read it. I watched the trailer of the movie that is about to come out and the next day I found myself buying the book on my Kindle. And all the time I spent reading, the movie soundtrack by Ed Sheeran, ''Photograph'', was stuck in my mind. Even though I only heard the song two times and couldn't remember all the lyrics, and I loved the song so much that it might have influenced how much I enjoyed the book. So yes, whatever I'm writing next may or may not be biased.
(Not to mention that the choice of casting Sam Clafflin as Will Traynor already looks really promising!)
If you're looking to read ''Me Before You'', I really recommend listening to ''Photographs'' by Ed Sheeran first. Here it is:

Confession: I read it in a rush because I had so much to do but I couldn't put it down! So I did not have time to analyse the details as I usually do with all my books.

Summer is coming + thoughts on time so far

Hello again! If you're reading this, I'm surprised you're still here and would like to come out of the screen and personally hug you for being here. Like seriously, thank you! I know I have been neglecting this blog again for some time. I already have so many blogs which I have started with so much enthusiasm and only to have it fade away a couple of months later. But I really want to make this one work. It has become a personal project of mine to not quit anything I love doing this year. So far, I like writing here, even though very few of you are reading it than the numbers I had on Tumblr. But my Tumblr now is so full of reblogs that the personal feeling I have here is lost.

As June begins, I'm glad most of the stress has decided to give me a break. And now I have to build up a timetable and a list of activities to keep me busy and focused. It is so easy to loose you way from your life goals during summer holidays.

June 2016 Update - New Obsessions

I am one of those kinds of people that find so many things to like and obsess over real quick. From years of experience, I have learned to manage my hobbies and likes and not let it become an unhealthy part of my life. It's all a matter of discipline really (says the girl getting ready for PLL even though she hates it at this point).

Monday 6 June 2016

Preparing for University (Summer Edition)

(This is something I have been meaning to post last year, but didn't have the time to edit and then eventually gave up completely. I decided to post this now since I have a little more experience and more advice for the new undergraduates entering their first year. So this post is a collaboration between me and my old self! How cute. ^_^ )
Feel free to use these tips whether you are a high school student or graduate.

Friday 6 May 2016

2016 so far

Needed to post an update, so here I am! Hello, yes, I'm still alive.
How are you guys doing?  Fine? Good for you. Not fine? Oh,  I'm sorry. I hope you'll feel better.
Yep, now, don't ask me ''How are you?''. If you're reading this and you happen to know me, here is something to keep in mind. Never ask a person like me the question ''How are you?''.
'Cause frankly, I don't know the answer myself and I'll lie with the classic ''I'm fine'' so as not to sound like a drama queen.
I'm a person with lots insecurities and fears. And this year has been the probably worst year of my life. I have been mostly unhappy and lots of bad things have happened.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Amercan / British TV Shows I follow

The last time I talked about Korean TV shows and how awesome storylines they have!
And today I'm back to talk about some English TV shows I currently follow.
This time, I have ranked them from ''fantastic'' to ''okay'' shows.
Oh, and I can't be bothered to write a synopsis because most of these shows have a storyline that changes with the seasons. I do apologize but if you already follow any of these shows, you know
what I mean. If I get to the synopsis, I will probably add some comments and theories and how the plotline changes so much. That means we'll be here all day.

Friday 4 March 2016

''Love Muffin and Chai Latte'' by Anya Wylde

Love Muffin and Chai Latte

My rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪   10/10

Cover book rating:  ✪  ✪ ✪  5/5

One book in one gif reaction:
cute laughing shirley temple

I decided to dip my feet in the comedy genre when I found this book and read about how brilliant Anya Wylde is with her writing. Must I say, I was not disappointed! She didn't wait to showcase her magic and immediately had me laughing from the first chapter. The things the main character, Tabby, gets herself into are absolutely hilarious and absurd! She also has a quick sense of humor and is quite clever. 
This is the first book I've read that is written by Anya Wylde and I couldn't put it down. It is a brillant comedy romance novel, with really great humor and less drama. Reading this book was like relaxing and listening to a friend talk about their good times. 
''Love Muffin and Chai Latte'' is one of those books that has a unique charisma and a light aura that makes it such a relaxing read without much suspence.  Or perhaps it just feels different to me because I'm not used to comedy-romance genre minus the mystery or supernatural stuff going on... **shrugs**.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

''ALMOST DEAD: A Murder Mystery'' by James J. Murray

ALMOST DEAD: A Murder Mystery

Rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪   4/10
Book cover rating: ✪  ✪ ✪  1/5

One book in one gif:

cat kitten kitty reading sun tzu

This will be a very short and quick book review, because there really isn't much to discuss here. I am trying my best not to sound mean or disrespectful to the author throughout this review. I mean, it is a really good story, don't get me wrong.
Maybe I read this book in a rush or it's because I have been tired for the past couple of days. I did enjoy reading this a lot in the beginning, but towards the middle of the book it felt like the reader (me) was being shot with way too many details and scenes. The pace became slow and.. I don't know, the thrill I got at the start just wasn't there anymore. The ending was a little predictable and there were lots of cliches, but overall I really liked how the suspense was created in the beginning and the novelty and originality of the mystery (corpse waking up 24 hours later) definitely deserves a big thumbs up, which is what got me to read the book in the first place.

Sunday 21 February 2016

How to pick yourself up from depression

It's been two years since I have won from depression and suicidal thoughts. I really think of myself as a strong warrior. But I think we can all agree that no matter how brave you are or how successful you become, depression is not something you can easily get rid of. There are days when it comes crawling back to you.
Even if things have been going great and smooth until then, I always get caught in some days where everything seems wrong. Like I'm not really getting anywhere with my life. It is an internal struggle that not many people around you might understand, which is why you feel you're completely alone.

So, this is what I do.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

How I do my book reviews

Hello! I'm back with my reviews, more determined than ever to do better. I apologize for being inactive. I have way too many drafts and counting to work on that I never know which one is ready for publishing.  ''Too many gifs?'' or ''Should I change that? Not everyone gets my sense of humor..'' 
''Let's cut out this spoiler'', ''But I HAVE to talk about it!''

I will try to not have excuses from now on. Anyways, welcome to my blog. I am going to do more than just book reviews and talk about other things, like music, movies, tv shows, and more coming soon!! Waaa I'm so excited!
tv happy cartoon excited adventure time

I admit that I still have a lot to learn about writing a proper book review. My previous one were pretty bad and I became discouraged for a while. I haven't done many of them, so please bear with me while I learn to improve them as I go on. And this is my brand new format and things you might expect from my reviews.

''Behind Close Doors'' by B. A. Paris

Behind Closed Doors

My rating:✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪  10/10

Book cover rating: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪  2/5

One book in one gif:
 photo tumblr_mtmx2tT2Mn1qbxh0uo1_400_zpse6b1e4ed.gif

This book. **takes a long breath**
As I have just finished reading it, I am still recovering from the aftermaths.
Do excuse me if I sound completely bonkers. I got so absorbed in the story that my heart was beating all the time, as if I was committing a crime and afraid of getting caught at any moment. At times I forgot how to keep my breathing at a normal pace!
I have two words this book: Brilliant. Terrifying.
I finished reading it in two consecutive nights. Even for a book lover like me who stays up reading long enough to hear the sound of chirping birds and see the rays of sunshine coming through the window, only to have sleep for the few hours left and heavily regret it. And then to repeat the process the following night with no shame, I can say that I have never ever found a book that is so addictive and exciting in my entire life! I swear the book has an essence of caffeine and adrenaline rush. It was such a redefinition of pleasure. It kept me on the edge of the bed, like ugggh what's going to happen?????

Sunday 7 February 2016

Korean/ Japanese TV Shows you NEED to watch

From my experience, nothing can compare to Korean tv shows. These are the only few I have watched, and they have stayed within my favorites for a long time.  From my last post, I have discussed my preference for Korean music. Today I would like to share a few Korean dramas I have watched and found a special place in my heart.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Why I like Korean music

My life is like a culture salad. I constantly find myself involved from one world to another, and let me tell you why.

cursor credit